Anna Burnside, with contributions by Isobel Madonia and Tess Syed-Tollan, review PACE Theatre’s latest panto.
Anna Burnside begins a new series of reviews by mentoring Strathclyde University students. This first review has contributions from Rosie Bell, Nathan Breen, Santiago Parra-Whitehead, Madeline Watson.
Anna Burnside reviews ‘a delightful, if gentle, festive night out.’
Anna Burnside enjoys Johnny McKnight’s latest Christmas offering.
Michael Cox reviews Pitlochry Festival Theatre’s ‘wonderful production’ of a timeless classic.
Anna Burnside reviews a production that ‘is a great subject for a play’ but misses the mark.
Anna Burnside reviews a ‘pretty thin’ offering from A Play, A Pie and A Pint.
Michael Cox reviews ‘an absolute joy’ of a production ‘that has its heart in the right place.’
Scott Purvis-Armour reviews a ‘barking night out’ that ‘wags with energy.’
Anna Burnside reviews ‘a delight’ that suffers from some plot gaps.
Anna Burnside reviews the cultural behemoth’s most recent Scottish stop.
Anna Burnside reviews a production of the classic American play that is almost perfect.
Scott Purvis-Armour reviews ‘a very well-acted and loving recreation of a classic.’
Anna Burnside reviews a disappointing outing at this week’s A Play, A Pie and A Pint.
Michael Cox reviews ‘a performance that simmers at best.’
Anna Burnside reviews ‘a jolly piece of work’ that lacks originality.
Anna Burnside reviews a children’s show filled with potential but in need of a few more tweaks.
Anna Burnside reviews ‘a slick production of a very knowing musical.’
Anna Burnside reviews a production filled with excellent performances that proves to be ‘as much fun as it’s possible to have on a red velvet seat.’
Michael Cox reviews a production that ‘manages to enrapture the audience in a collective sense of wonder and delight.’