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Theatre Review: Treasure Island ****

Anna Burnside reviews ‘a treat’ of a production.

Robbie is hiding from his demons in a fort made from the duvet. To escape from the pressures of school, he escapes into the pages of Treasure Island.

Jim Hawkins’ bravery in the face of fire, storms, financial ruin, duplicitous pirates and an anglepoise lamp parrot inspire him to conquer his own fears and find the voice he’s lost.

This new version of Visible Fiction’s Christmas production puts Robbie at the centre of the story without losing any of the drama of the original. Megan McGuire and Stephanie MacGaraidh are back, reprising their tremendous turns as Irn-Bru drinking Billy Bones and the Joyce Grenfellesque Captain Smollett.

Simon Donaldson is an inspired choice for Long John Silver, pivoting from the quiet menace of the conniving cook to the gentle presence of Robbie’s father with the addition of some judiciously knotted school ties.

Anthony O’Neil, despite being taller than Donaldson, is believable as both anxious young lads: poor stressed Robbie and brave Jim who doesn’t always use his head but has a heart in the right place.

The design is consistently inventive, with bits from Robbie’s bedroom becoming everything from dripping blood to a porthole and pirate costume. The parrot lamp, operated by McGuire, is such a clever idea.

Oguz Kaplangi’s soundscape works with Donaldson’s guitar to create a rich and evocative theatrical world.

This show works much better placed away from Christmas with Robbie’s story in the foreground. A couple of songs, including a cracker about cheese, remain from the festive OG, but this is not a panto and it is much happier as a play for a young audience.

A treat for any time of the year.

Treasure Island tours until October 19, 2024.

Photo by Mihaela Bodlovic.

Tags: theatre

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