Ashling Findlay-Carroll reviews 'a fun-filled' production.
Grown-ups being silly is always guaranteed to grab the attention of children, and these two take being silly to the extreme.
They perform great circus tricks that appear increasingly difficult with energy, which engages the kids in the audience from the start. The performers encourage them to shout out and join in with songs, 90’s dances routines and accompanying pop music. It is pitched at early years children but with jokes and throwaway comments for the grown-ups in the audience.
Children are Stinky is a fun-filled 45 minutes, the storyline links the acts without feeling too forced and, although it is admittedly quite cheesy, it is performed with such gusto it’s not only forgivable but takes us along for the ride.
Assembly George Square Gardens, 11:00am & 12:12pm, until 28th August (not Wednesdays)